Well we have officially survived our first year…


House of 925 turned one on August the 1st 2018 after a busy couple of weeks I can now take time to reflect on our first year of business, the up’s the downs and the craziness of starting a business and I wouldn’t change a minute of it. 

House of 925, originated firstly in my head, when I use to spend my days sat on the M62 heading to my previous job, as much as I liked my job, and loved the people I worked with, I had a niggle inside me, that told me I was meant to be doing something I truly loved, Days and weeks past the same commute, the same amount of traffic and the same niggle pecked away at me. 

When I heard The Piece Hall, was renovating the building I thought this is it, this is my calling I literally lived 10 minutes away, the location was perfect, and I just knew this was meant to be. I arranged a viewing of a couple of units and I immediately fell in love with Number 12. A small little white box, with its old Georgian style windows, and glossy wooden floorboards, Number 12 was going to become House of 925 and that it did. 

The papers were signed, the keys were handed over and we got to work in turning Number 12 into the start of my new adventure. Don’t get me wrong I was terrified about leaving my job where I had spent to last 10 years, with a regular income and a place where I felt comfortable. I was now venturing into the unknown I didn’t even know if I’d make any money, if people would like my style of clothing I had months and months of sleepless nights. but I knew deep down it couldn’t and wouldn’t fail. 

After weeks of work and tweaking my little unit, open day arrived, nervous was an understatement, luckily I had a couple of bottles or should I say glasses of fizz and after a few we opened the doors, and I was good to go. 

The open day was a great success The Piece Hall had over 22,000 visitors through the gates, the day couldn’t of gone better. The following months were just as great, The Piece Hall hosted some amazing events including, Tour de Yorkshire, Antiques Roadshow, Chow Down food festival, The big sing and that's just to name a few. 

House of 925, took part in the Forget me not children's hospice fashion show, we featured in the local Halifax Courier, we were interviewed on BBC Radio Leeds, we’ve attended several christmas fares and ladies nights and the most exciting part for me is, we’ve built up a regular customer base with returning customers so I’m hoping we’re doing something right. We’ve made new friends, met some great people and learned a lot along the way. 

House of 925, has achieved a lot in it’s first year but I know we still have a long way to go, this year was all about finding our feet, learning as we go and slowly learning how to grow the business. We have lots planned for the future, but we know if we’re persistent, consistent, work hard and enjoy the moments everything else will fall into place and we’re excited for what's to come. 

Most of all a massive, huge thank you to all our lovely customers, who have walked through the door, looked at us online or even just given us a thumbs up on Facebook, we really do appreciate it and we wouldn’t be here without you. Here is to many more years to come…Thank you  xoxo 

const selectVariantByClickingImage = { // Create variant images from productJson object _createVariantImage: function (product) { const variantImageObject = {}; product.variants.forEach((variant) => { if ( typeof variant.featured_image !== 'undefined' && variant.featured_image !== null ) { const variantImage = variant.featured_image.src .split('?')[0] .replace(/http(s)?:/, ''); variantImageObject[variantImage] = variantImageObject[variantImage] || {}; product.options.forEach((option, index) => { const optionValue = variant.options[index]; const optionKey = `option-${index}`; if ( typeof variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey] === 'undefined' ) { variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey] = optionValue; } else { const oldValue = variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey]; if (oldValue !== null && oldValue !== optionValue) { variantImageObject[variantImage][optionKey] = null; } } }); } }); return variantImageObject; }, _updateVariant: function (event, id, product, variantImages) { const arrImage = event.target.src .split('?')[0] .replace(/http(s)?:/, '') .split('.'); const strExtention = arrImage.pop(); const strRemaining = arrImage.pop().replace(/_[a-zA-Z0-9@]+$/, ''); const strNewImage = `${arrImage.join('.')}.${strRemaining}.${strExtention}`; if (typeof variantImages[strNewImage] !== 'undefined') { product.variants.forEach((option, index) => { const optionValue = variantImages[strNewImage][`option-${index}`]; if (optionValue !== null && optionValue !== undefined) { const selects = document.querySelectorAll('#'+ id + ' [class*=single-option-selector]'); const options = selects[index].options; for (let option, n = 0; (option = options[n]); n += 1) { if (option.value === optionValue) { selects[index].selectedIndex = n; selects[index].dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); break; } } } }); } }, _selectVariant: function() { const productJson = document.querySelectorAll('[id^=ProductJson-'); if (productJson.length > 0) { productJson.forEach((product) => { const sectionId = product.id.replace("ProductJson-", "shopify-section-"); const thumbnails = document.querySelectorAll('#'+ sectionId + ' img[src*="/files/"]'); if (thumbnails.length > 1) { const productObject = JSON.parse(product.innerHTML); const variantImages = this._createVariantImage(productObject); // need to check variants > 1 if (productObject.variants.length > 1) { thumbnails.forEach((thumbnail) => { thumbnail.addEventListener('click', (e) => this._updateVariant(e, sectionId, productObject, variantImages), ); }); } } }); } }, }; if (document.readyState !== 'loading') { selectVariantByClickingImage._selectVariant(); } else { document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', selectVariantByClickingImage._selectVariant(), ); }